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ActZero vCISO

Within an organization, a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) is responsible for determining and maintaining a strategy to protect the organization’s network, systems, and digital assets. ActZero customers without a CISO of their own have access to a virtual CISO (vCISO) as part of ActZero’s Managed Detection & Response services.

Every quarter, you can make use of a pre-purchased block of vCISO time during which an expert technical account manager can:

  • address cybersecurity questions and concerns
  • offer advice and guidance on best practices to address security vulnerabilities
  • establish and assess your organization’s cybersecurity strategies and policies
  • provide instructions and recommend tools to implement specific security practices
  • offer guidance and templates to follow to meet specific cybersecurity compliance standards

For example, a vCISO can help you work through a General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) checklist of compliance requirements, auditing your organization’s cybersecurity posture and data management practices and policies to assess the tasks you need to complete to become compliant.

A vCISO can also help you design and implement an incident response plan to help you detect malicious activity and take timely and appropriate steps to remediate issues.

Further, a vCISO can work with you to design cybersecurity awareness training for your organization’s staff so that employees are less likely to become unsuspecting victims of phishing schemes or unwittingly expose sensitive or personal information.

Schedule a vCISO session

To access your quarterly vCISO services, contact ActZero.

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