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Onboarding: Vulnerability Scan

The ActZero Portal provides an essential vulnerability scanning feature, which automatically detects vulnerabilities within your network, allowing for enhanced protection through scheduled security scans.

Accessing the Vulnerability Scan Onboarding Dashboard

  1. In the ActZero Portal, click on the gear icon, and a dropdown menu will appear.

  2. From the dropdown options, select "Onboarding".

  3. Choose "Vulnerability Scan" from the right-hand sidebar.

Configuring the Vulnerability Scan

Selecting IP Range Type

The dashboard provides two options: "External IPs" and "Internal IPs".

  • "External IPs" pertains to IP addresses accessible over the public internet.
  • "Internal IPs" refers to IP addresses within your organization's private network.

Click on either of the tabs based on the type of IP you wish to scan.

Inputting IP Ranges

  1. Under the "Select a VM" dropdown, select a virtual machine that you wish to scan.

  2. In the "Enter INDIVIDUAL IPs/RANGES WITH CIDR, ONE PER LINE" field, input the desired IP range or individual IP addresses. Multiple ranges can be entered and are separated by commas.

  3. After inputting the required details, click on the "SAVE" button at the bottom to store and schedule the vulnerability scan.

Understanding the Vulnerability Scan Table

Once you've onboarded IP addresses for scanning, they will appear in the vulnerability scan table. This table provides a concise view of all your scheduled scans, allowing for quick management and oversight.

Always remember to review your scans regularly to ensure that they cover all necessary parts of your network, and make updates as your network grows or changes.

Table Columns

  1. SCAN NAME: This column displays the name or identifier you've given to the scan. For example, "companyname - int" could refer to an internal scan setup for your network.

  2. INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL IP SCAN RANGE: This column lists the range(s) of IP addresses you've included in the scan. IP ranges are displayed in the CIDR notation. For example, "" indicates all IPs from up to are part of the scan.

  3. SCAN DAY OF MONTH: This column shows the scheduled date of the monthly scan. For instance, if it says "20", then the scan is set to run on the 20th of each month.

Note: At this time additional scan dates cannot be scheduled.

Managing Scans

On the rightmost part of each row, there are two icons:

  • Pencil Icon: Clicking on this allows you to edit the details of the scan, such as changing the IP ranges or adjusting the scan date.

  • Cross (X) Icon: This is the delete option. Use it if you wish to remove a particular scan. Be careful when using this option as removing a scan will halt any future scheduled runs of it.

⚠️ For your security, always log out of the ActZero portal using the SIGN OUT button in the top right corner after completing your tasks.

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