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Configure Google Workspace to connect to ActZero

Estimated Time to Complete: 15 minutes

Contact us to learn more about adding Managed Detection & Response (MDR) services to your cloud endpoints.

To enable the ActZero team to monitor your Google Workspace accounts (formerly known as G Suite accounts) endpoints, you need to complete a few steps to configure a connection from your cloud environment to ActZero. Use the instructions below to set up a connection.

As you go, be sure to collect the following pieces of information to use during set up or to securely share with ActZero:

  • service account unique ID (to use for OAuth scopes)
  • private key JSON file
  • API key unique ID

Enable the Google Admin SDK

  1. Navigate to your Google Cloud Platform (GCP) console.
  2. Click the menu icon (three lines), then select APIs & Services > Library.

    API Library

  3. On the API Library page search for admin sdk.

    Admin SDK

  4. Click Admin SDK and then Enable on the Admin SDK page that appears.

    Enable Admin SDK

  5. On the API Library page search again for alert center api, and Enable that as well.

    Alert Center API

Create a Google service account

  1. From your GCP console, click the menu icon, then select IAM & Admin > Service Accounts.

    IAM & Admin Service Accounts

  2. Click Create Service Account.

    Service Account

  3. In the page that appears, input a name and description for the new account, then click Create.

    • Optionally, grant any permissions you wish.
  4. Click Continue then Done.

  5. On the Service account details page, click the new account to view its details.

    Service Account Details

  6. Copy the Oauth2 Client ID to a safe and temporary place in your local environment. You will use it when you add OAuth scopes, below.

Create an API key

  1. From your GCP console, click the menu icon, then select IAM & Admin > Service Accounts.

    IAM & Admin Service Accounts

  2. Locate the service account you created, then click the more icon (three vertical dots) for the account.

    Service Account Details

  3. Select Manage keys, click the Add Key menu and select Create new key.

    Manage keys

  4. In the Create private key panel, select JSON, then click Create.

    Create key

  5. Your system downloads the private key JSON file. Keep this file in a safe and temporary place in your local environment. Click Close.

  6. Exit the Keys screen and return to the Service Account Details page. Click the menu icon, then select Manage Details.

  7. In the Service account details page, copy the Unique ID to a safe and temporary place in your local environment.

    Service Account Details

ActZero needs this value; it is different from the Unique ID you copied when you created a Google service account.

Add the Client ID with OAuth scopes

  1. Navigate to the Google Admin console.

  2. Click the menu icon, then select Security > API Controls > Domain-wide Delegation. The API clients appear.

    Domain-wide Delegation

  3. Click Add New. The Add a new client ID screen appears.

  4. Enter the Unique ID that you noted when you created a Google service account as the Client ID.

  5. Enter the OAuth scopes for the connector:

    • for Alert reports, include the scope:
    • for Application reports, include the scope:
  6. Click Authorize.

Share with ActZero

  1. Use Keybase to securely encrypt and share the Admin email along with the two pieces of information you collected. You do not need to create a Keybase account.
    • Recipient: actzerocre
    • Message to encrypt:
      • the admin email (which delegates domain-wide authority to the service account)
      • the contents of the private key JSON file
      • API key unique ID
  2. Click Encrypt, then copy the encrypted contents of the message into an email or open ticket with ActZero and send or save.
  3. Erase the copies of the sensitive information in your local environment.

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